Integrate CookiePal with TYPO3

Welcome to CookiePal! This guide will walk you through how you can install a cookie banner on your website.

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Integrate CookiePal with TYPO3

CookiePal helps you ensure your TYPO3 website complies with GDPR and other privacy laws by managing cookie consent for your users. This guide will walk you through the steps to integrate CookiePal with your TYPO3 website.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Create a CookiePal account

If you do not yet have a CookiePal account or have not yet configured your banner, follow the steps below.

1. Sign up for CookiePal.

Step 1: Create a CookiePal account Image

2. After confirming your email, you will be directed to customise your banner. Select your preference.

Step 1: Create a CookiePal account Image

3. Customise your banner/logo colours.

Step 1: Create a CookiePal account Image

4. Customise your banner types and positions.

Step 1: Create a CookiePal account Image

5. Customise your preference center.

Step 1: Create a CookiePal account Image

Customisations can be changed later on the customisation page.

6. To configure CookiePal on your TYPO3 website, you can go to dashboard.

Step 1: Create a CookiePal account Image

7. Go to settings.

Step 1: Create a CookiePal account Image

8. Copy your website ID

Step 1: Create a CookiePal account Image

9. Download the TYPO3 CookiePal extension from this TYPO3 download link

Step 2: Install and setup the TYPO3 extension

1. Login to your TYPO3 admin panel

Step 2: Install and setup the TYPO3 extension Image

2. On the sidebar, go to Admin Tools > Extensions

Step 2: Install and setup the TYPO3 extension Image

3. Confirm your password

Step 2: Install and setup the TYPO3 extension Image

4. On the top left, click 'Upload Extension'

Step 2: Install and setup the TYPO3 extension Image

5. Click 'Choose File

Step 2: Install and setup the TYPO3 extension Image

6. Select the previously downloaded CookiePal TYPO3 extension (zip file) and click 'open'

Step 2: Install and setup the TYPO3 extension Image

7. Click 'Upload'

Step 2: Install and setup the TYPO3 extension Image

8. After the extension is uploaded. Search for 'CookiePal' in the search tab and click on the button on the left to activate the extension

Step 2: Install and setup the TYPO3 extension Image

9. On the sidebar, go to Site Management > Sites and click on the edit button on the website you wish to integrate with CookiePal

Step 2: Install and setup the TYPO3 extension Image

10. Go to the 'CookiePal Integration' tab and paste the website ID you previously copied from the CookiePal dashboard

Step 2: Install and setup the TYPO3 extension Image

11. Click on the 'Save' button to save your changes

Step 2: Install and setup the TYPO3 extension Image

12. On the top navbar, click on the lightning icon and 'Flush frontend caches' to make sure your changes are up to date

Step 2: Install and setup the TYPO3 extension Image

Step 3: Verify Integration

To confirm the integration of CookiePal on your TYPO3 website, go to the CookiePal dashboard, and verify your banner.

Verify your banner on CookiePal.

Step 3: Verify Integration Image